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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers from your local farmers

How do I purchase from Grand View Farm?

The Farm Store is open on the farm on Thursdays 1pm to 5pm Fridays from 1pm to 6pm and Saturdays 9am to 4pm. You can also choose home delivery for a convenient way to get the cleanest, healthiest meats delivered right to your front porch. You can order online anytime for pick up at the Farm Store, or home delivery. 

How are the products packaged?

All of our meat products are packed fresh, vacuum sealed and labeled for longevity in the freezer and ease of identification. 

Are GVF meat products frozen?

Yes, because of the logistics of a small farm, we choose to freeze all of our meat products after they are packed. With that said, the meat is always "new". We harvest animals every two weeks and sell the meat just as quickly. So for those reasons the meat is frozen but it isn't old. Occasionally we have fresh beef available on a limited basis, be sure to subscribe to our email list to know when we'll have fresh, instead of frozen beef in stock.

Is Grand View Farm organic?

We are not, however we know that in a lot of ways GVF exceeds organic standards. Although we are not certified organic, we do not medicate the animals, we do not spray the pastures and we feed soy-free, non-GMO, unmedicated grain to the pigs and chickens. If you dive into organic standards you'll find a lot of things that aren't good for the animals, the environment, the consumers and the farmers. We're confident that one tour of the farm will reinforce our belief that local is better than organic and the way that we farm provides you and your family with the cleanest, healthiest food. 

Are the cattle started or finished on grain?

Nope, 100% grass fed all of the time. Cattle rotate around the pastures during the growing season and eat hay in the winter. Cattle are herbivores and never designed to consume a non-grass based diet.

Is the beef dry-aged?

Yes! We love that as a small farm we are able to offer dry-aged beef. This is something that the industrial beef system cannot do because of their scale, but as small farmers we can offer this superior product to our customers. Typically the beef is dry-aged for 2-3 weeks which we think is especially important for 100% grass fed beef. 

Why are the pigs and chickens fed grain?

Pigs and chickens are omnivores and need more than the pasture to survive. We strive to provide as much as possible for them to lower their grain intake - such as 24/7 access to fresh pasture, daily pasture moves, composted organically grown foods such as leftovers from the garden, etc. Chickens and pigs would not survive on a farm in a production model without supplemental grain to eat.

Are the pastures sprayed with chemicals?

Absolutely not. We grow healthy pastures by using the animals and we sometimes plant perennial and annual grasses right into the pasture using uncoated seeds.

Do your products contain soy?

No, we feed a soy-free feed mix to the omnivores - pigs and chickens. 

Are your animals humanely harvested?

We take great pride in the care for the animals at the farm, so we took a lot of time and care into choosing an abattoir that would show the animals the same respect when it is time for harvest. Smuckers Meats in Mt. Joy, PA harvests our animals and they are absolute professionals. They are also third party animal welfare approved.

Do your products contain nitrates/nitrites?

No - our smoked products such as bacon and hams are free from these chemicals, which we think is important. Fun fact - our bacon is also sugar free!

What breed are your cattle?

We raise a little bit of everything, working to breed the "perfect" grass fed genetics into our herd. We currently raise Devon, Hereford, Red Angus and Black Angus cattle. While there are good and bad cattle from a genetics standpoint, we see little variation animal to animal because they are all raised the same. When we do see variation, we breed for the good traits and try to breed out the "bad" traits. Certainly the nutrient density and cleanliness - the most important aspects of food - are identical. 

Do you accept returns and issue refunds?

Unfortunately due to the nature of our products, we can not offer refunds or returns. On a case-by-case basis we will consider the situation and work to ensure an amazing customer experience. We always look forward to serving you and want to make sure you walk away telling everyone about your amazing GVF experience.