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Podcast Interview with Truman Charities

The Unintended Consequences of Glyphosate. What are Dead Zones, Regenerative Farming and Should You Drink Raw Milk? Grand View Farm Owner And Farmer Nick Bailey Explains How His Farm Is Helping Families Secure Nutrient Dense Food.

Pigs on Pasture

Amidst our busy days, it's easy to lose sight of our mission and the reasons behind our work. We set objectives, beat deadlines, but what's the ultimate goal? Recently, I've had the chance to reflect on this, particularly in relation to the pigs we raise on our farm. The "why" behind our animal care is as important as the "how"...

Bless Your Future Self

A common barrier to a nourishing daily diet is time. Between work schedules, after school activities, self-care (hopefully), and hobbies, there are many things competing for our time. It is very easy to turn towards convenience when it comes to nutrition; unfortunately, many of the convenient options may not support your overall health or goals. Today I want to share a few ways you can bless your future self by preparing for those busy days. - Laura Tricarico, NTP

Back to Basics – Digestion: Repairing Your Plumbing

Looking closely at digestion and elimination is not the most popular dinner table conversation, but it is impossible to find long lasting health without it. According to the American Gastroenterological Association, as many as 60-70 million Americans are suffering from...

3 Ways to Protect Your Food Freedom

As supporters of GVF, you are standing up for Food Freedom and protecting your right to exercise that Freedom. By participating in the local, regenerative food system you are telling the World that you believe this is the way it should be done. And believe me, they hear you now more than ever.

The Pasture Talk Podcast - Episode 1 - Our Origin Story

Hangout with Wil & Nick as they introduce the brand new Pasture Talk Podcast with Episode 1 - Our Origin Story. They discuss how the farm started, how it has grown and what they're excited about for the future. Wil & Nick talk about some of the successes and failures along the way, funny stories and some of the people who made it all possible.

Our Statement on the mRNA Vaccine

Every now and then a "hot topic" pops up in the news or on social media. I usually find out pretty quickly because my inbox fills up with lots of customers asking the same important question. The reported use of the mRNA vaccine in livestock is the latest instance of this for me...

Bone Broth: A-Z

With all of the varying information you can find online when researching how to make the most nutritious and delicious bone broth, it can become quite overwhelming! We have compiled a list of all of the tried-and-true tips and tricks for creating your own homemade bone broth.

Strawberry Balsamic Pork Loin

Fresh strawberries and balsamic vinegar dress up this melt-in-your-mouth boneless pork loin. It makes a great meal for entertaining, as most of the prep work can be done a day in advance.

Update from your Farm

It’s now more clear than ever that small, local farms who have a direct relationship with their customers are especially capable of serving the community during times like this.

Start your day like a farmer

When it comes to having a successful day, there's no silver bullet and I certainly won’t reveal anything revolutionary, but as a farmer I have learned some things over the years that seem to contribute to the success of my day. It can be summed up in three easy steps...