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Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund

written by

Nick Bailey

posted on

June 22, 2020

There are two organizations that we've been involved with for several years and it's long overdue that we tell you about them. In the next couple of blog posts we will cover both organizations but today we'll talk about the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. The FTCLDF is near and dear to us at GVF and in our opinion, the most important organization for food freedom in the country. They provide important legal and regulation guidance for small direct-to-consumer farmers and artisans across the country and even represent them legally at no cost if the government over steps and comes after the member. It is a truly exceptional group of people who are some of the most outspoken advocates for food freedom in the United States. We have a personal connection to the Fund, here is our story:

We were introduced to the Fund years ago by Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms. We had been a member for some time when in 2015, the Maryland Health Department threatened to shut us down. 

Here is the story: https://www.farmtoconsumer.org/appeal-2016/

After reading the story you can understand why we value our membership so strongly with the FTCLDF. We are appealing to you today, if you are able, to consider a membership or general donation to the Fund. We do not take this ask lightly, as we know how hard you work for your money. We believe that the Fund is truly one of the most important and relevant consumer protection groups in the United States and should be supported in every way possible. Thank you for your consideration! 

Click here to learn more about memberships and donating to the Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund

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