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Smoked/Braised Short Rib Plate

written by

Amanda Norman

posted on

June 17, 2021

I introduce to you, the-not-so-humble Short Rib Plate. Fit for a feast, this massive rack of beef short ribs is sure to impress. Along with all of the same melt-in-your-mouth goodness of Flanken Short Ribs, they are also pretty fool-proof to prepare. If it's not tender, it just needs to be cooked longer. Pitmaster or not, you sure will look like one when you present this hunk of grass-fed gold!

So, I have two older brothers and they are difficult to buy for on their birthdays. Luckily, I have Grand View Farm and they both love their meat! My brother, Joe, got this short rib plate and was generous enough to take pictures and give me a run-down of how he prepared it.

After giving it a nice, heavy coating of his favorite seasoning, Joe smoked the short plate (with electric thermometers inserted) at 225-degrees for about 5 hours. I wish I was able to upload the video of the ribs coming out of the smoker, but boy did they look incredible. You could SEE the barky goodness, I can only imagine how good it SMELLED!

*Joe highly recommends using a good thermometer throughout the entire process.

Once removing it from the smoker, he moved it into a 275-degree oven and finished it off with a braise in apple cider vinegar and apple juice. It cooked for about an additional 3 hours until it reached an internal temperature of 200-degrees. Again, Joe really relied on a good meat thermometer instead of just on suggested cooking times.

After removing it from the oven, he wrapped it and allowed it to to rest in a warm cooler.

My creative sister-in-law stepping in to help with pictures!

I just can't get over how good they look! I wish I could dive right into this picture...

I know the size may make them seem a bit intimidating, but I hope you give a it whirl, I think you'll surprise yourself!

These can also be cooked to perfection solely in the oven, and you can find many recipes online. I'm excited to try one soon that way, as I don't have a smoker, or any smoking experience! Though, I am looking forward to some "lessons" for myself so I can share my knowledge journey with you!

If you have any suggestions for preparing a short rib plate, or if you have any helpful hints for me as I embark on my "learn how to smoke" journey, please share below!

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